Herrboldt, M. A., C. N. C. Wright, and R. M. Bonett 2024. Seasonal heterochrony of reproductive development and gene expression in a polymorphic salamander. Developmental Dynamics 10.1002/dvdy.744.
Bonett, R. M., and N. M. Ledbetter 2022. Paedomorphic salamanders are larval in form and patterns of limb emergence inform life cycle evolution. Developmental Dynamics 251:934-941.
Bonett, R. M., N. M. Ledbetter, A. J. Hess, M. A. Herrboldt, and M. Denoël 2022. Repeated ecological and life cycle transitions make salamanders an ideal model for evolution and development. Developmental Dynamics 251:957-972.
Herrboldt, M. A., M. A. Steffen, C. N. McGouran, and R. M. Bonett 2021. Pheromone gene diversification and the evolution of courtship glands in plethodontid salamanders. Journal of Molecular Evolution 89:576-587.
Bonett, R. M., A. J. Hess, and N. M. Ledbetter 2020. Facultative transitions have trouble committing, but stable life cycles predict salamander genome size evolution. Evolutionary Biology 47:111-122.
Clay, T. A., M. A. Steffen, M. L. Treglia, D. T. Torres, A. L. Trujano-Alvarez, and R. M. Bonett 2019. Multiple stressors produce differential transcriptomic patterns in a stream-dwelling
salamander. BMC Genomics 20:482,1-13. |
Ledbetter, N. M. and R. M. Bonett. 2019. Terrestriality constrains salamander limb diversification: Implications for the evolution of pentadactyly. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32:642-652.
Bonett, R. M., J. G. Phillips, N. M. Ledbetter, S. D. Martin, and L. Lehman. 2018. Rapid phenotypic evolution following shifts in life cycle complexity. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B 285:20172304.
Bonett, R. M. 2018. Heterochrony. In Evolutionary Developmental Biology,
Edited by: L. Nuño de la Rosa, G.B. Müller; Springer International Publishing. 1-14. |
Bonett, R. M. and A. L. Blair. 2017. Evidence for complex life cycle constraints on
salamander body form diversification Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U.S.A. 114:9936-9941. |
Phillips, J. G., D. B. Fenolio, S. L. Emel, and R. M. Bonett. 2017. Hydrologic and geologic history of the Ozark Plateau drive phylogenomic patterns in a cave-obligate salamander. Journal of Biogeography 44:2463-2474.
Beachy, C. K., T. J. Ryan, and R. M. Bonett. 2017. How metamorphosis is different in plethodontids: larval life history perspectives on life-cycle evolution. Herpetologica 73:252-258.
Symposium Volume from Plethodontid Conference, Highlands, NC. |
Bonett, R. M. 2016. Analyzing endocrine system conservation and evolution.
General and Comparative Endocrinology 234:3-9. Symposium Volume from the 3rd NASCE Conference, Ottawa, ON. |
Bonett, R. M. 2016. An integrative endocrine model for the evolution of developmental timing and life history of plethodontids and other salamanders. Copeia 104:209-221.
Symposium Volume from the 6th Conference on Plethodontid Salamanders, Tulsa, OK. |
Kyono, Y., A. Subramani, P. Ramadoss, A. N. Hollenberg, R. M. Bonett, and R. J. Denver. 2016. Liganded thyroid hormone receptors transactivate the DNA Methyltransferase 3a gene in mouse neuronal cells. Endocrinology 157:3647-3657.
Martin, S. D., D. B. Shepard, M. A. Steffen, J. G. Phillips, and R. M. Bonett. 2016. Biogeography and colonization history of plethodontid salamanders from the Interior Highlands of eastern North America. Journal of Biogeography 43:410-422.
Martin, S. D. and R. M. Bonett. 2015. Biogeography and divergent patterns of body size disparification in North American minnows. Molecular Phylogentics and Evolution 93:17-28.
Bagamasbad, P. D., R. M. Bonett, L. Sachs, N. Buisine, S. Raj, J. R. Knoedler, Y. Kyono, Y. Ruan, X. Ruan, and R. J. Denver. 2015. Deciphering the regulatory logic of an ancient, ultraconserved nuclear receptor enhancer module. Molecular Endocrinology 29:856-72.
Bonett, R. M., M. A. Steffen, and G. A. Robison. 2014. Heterochrony repolarized: a phylogenetic analysis of developmental timing in plethodontid salamanders. EvoDevo 5:27,1-18.
Bonett, R. M., M. A. Steffen, S. M. Lambert, J. J. Wiens, and P. T. Chippindale. 2014. Evolution of paedomorphosis in plethodontid salamanders: ecological correlates and re-evolution of metamorphosis. Evolution 68:466-482.
Aran, R. P., M. A. Steffen, S. D. Martin, O. I. Lopez, and R. M. Bonett. 2014. Reduced effects of thyroid hormone on gene expression and metamorphosis in a paedomorphic plethodontid salamander. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 322B:294–303.
Fenolio, D. B., M. L. Niemiller, R. M. Bonett, G. O. Graening, B. A. Collier, and J. F. Stout. 2014. Life history, demography, and the influence of cave-roosting bats on a population of the Grotto Salamander (Eurycea spelaea) from the Ozark Plateaus of Oklahoma (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 9:394-405.
Steffen, M. A., K. J. Irwin, A. L. Blair, and R. M. Bonett. 2014. Larval masquerade: a new species of paedomorphic salamander (Caudata: Plethodontidae: Eurycea) from the Ouachita Mountains of North America. Zootaxa 3786:423-442.
Bonett, R. M., A. L. Trujano-Alvarez, M. J. Williams, and E. K. Timpe. 2013. Biogeography and body size shuffling of aquatic salamander communities on a shifting refuge. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B 280:20130200.
Rovito, S. M., G. Parra-Olea, J. Hanken, R. M. Bonett, and D. B. Wake. 2013. Adaptive radiation in miniature: the minute salamanders of the Mexican highlands (Amphibia: Plethodontidae: Thorius). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 109:622-643.
Elmer, K. R., R. M. Bonett, D. B. Wake, and S. C. Lougheed. 2013. Early Miocene origin and cryptic diversification of South American salamanders. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13:59, 1-16.
Bagamasbad, P., T. Ziera, S. A. Borden, A. Rozeboom, A. Seasholtz, R. M. Bonett, and R. J. Denver. 2012. Molecular basis for glucocorticoid induction of the Krüppel-like factor 9 gene in hippocampal neurons. Endocrinology 153:5334-5345.
Martin, S. D., B. A. Harris, J. R. Collums, and R. M. Bonett. 2012. Life between predators and a small space: substrate selection of an interstitial space-dwelling stream salamander. Journal of Zoology 287:205-214.
Denver, R. J., R. M. Bonett, and G. C. Boorse. 2011. Evolution of leptin structure and function. Neuroendocrinology 94:21-38.
Emel, S. L. and R. M. Bonett. 2011. Considering alternative life history modes and genetic divergence in conservation: a case study of the Oklahoma salamander. Conservation Genetics 12:1243-1259.
Bonett, R. M., M. A. Steffen, A. L. Trujano-Alvarez, S. D. Martin, C. T. McAllister, and C. R. Bursey. 2011. Distribution, intensity, and genetic diversity of Clinostomum metacercariae (Trematoda: Digenea), in a modified Ozark stream system. Journal of Parasitology 97:177-184.
Bonett, R. M., E. D. Hoopfer, and R. J. Denver. 2010. Molecular mechanisms of corticosteroid synergy with thyroid hormone during tadpole metamorphosis. General and Comparative Endocrinology 168:209-219.
Bonett, R. M., P. T. Chippindale, P. A. Moler, R. W. Van Devender, and D. B. Wake. 2009. The evolution of gigantism in amphiuma salamanders. PLoS One 4:5,1-10.
Timpe, E. K., S. P. Graham, and R. M. Bonett. 2009. Phylogeography of the Brownback salamander reveals patterns of local endemism in Southern Appalachian springs. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 52: 368-376.
Bonett, R. M., F. Hu, P. Bagamasbad, and R. J. Denver. 2009. Stressor and glucocorticoid-dependent induction of the immediate early gene Krüppel-like factor 9 (KLF9): implications for neural development and plasticity. Endocrinology 150: 1757-1765.
Zelditch, M. L., A. R. Wood, R. M. Bonett, and D. L. Swiderski. 2008. Modularity of the rodent mandible: Integrating bones, muscles and teeth. Evolution and Development 10: 756-768.
Bonett, R. M., K. H. Kozak, D. R. Vieites, A. Bare, J. A. Wooten, and S. E. Trauth. 2007. The importance of comparative phylogeography in diagnosing introduced species: a lesson from the seal salamander, Desmognathus monticola. BMC Ecology 7: 7,1-11.
Bonett, R. M. and P. T. Chippindale. 2006. Streambed microstructure predicts evolution of development and life history mode in the plethodontid salamander, Eurycea tynerensis. BMC Biology 4: 6,1-12.
Vences, M., M. Thomas, R. M. Bonett, and D. R. Vieites. 2005 Deciphering amphibian diversity through DNA barcoding: chances and challenges. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 360: 1859-1868.
Kozak, K. H., A. Larson, R. M. Bonett, and L. Harmon. 2005. Phylogenetic analysis of ecomorphological divergence, species coexistance and diversification rates in dusky salamanders (Plethodontidae: Desmognathinae). Evolution 59: 2000-2016.
Köhler, J., D. R. Vieites, R. M. Bonett, F. Hita García, F. Glaw, D. Steinke, and M. Vences. 2005. New amphibians and global conservation: A boost in species discoveries in a highly endangered vertebrate group. BioScience 55: 693-696.
Min, M. S., S.Y. Yang, R. M. Bonett, D. R. Vieites, R. A Brandon, and D. B. Wake. 2005. Discovery of the first Asian plethodontid salamander. Nature 435: 87-90.
Wiens, J. J., R. M. Bonett, and P. T. Chippindale. 2005. Ontogeny discombobulates phylogeny: paedomorphosis and higher-level salamander relationships. Systematic Biology 54:91-110.
Chippindale P. T., R. M. Bonett, A. S. Baldwin, and J. J. Wiens. 2004 Phylogenetic evidence for a major reversal of life-history evolution in plethodontid salamanders. Evolution 58: 2809-2822.
Bonett, R. M. and P. T. Chippindale. 2004 Speciation, phylogeography and evolution of live history and morphology in the salamanders of the Eurycea multiplicata complex. Molecular Ecology 13:1189-1203.
Noonan, B. P. and R. M. Bonett. 2003. A new species of Hyalinobatrachium from the Highlands of Guyana. Journal of Herpetology 37: 91-97.
Bonett, R. M. 2002. Analysis of the contact zone between the dusky salamanders Desmognathus fuscus fuscus and Desmognathus fuscus conanti (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Copeia 2002: 344-355.
Bonett, R. M., T. C. LaDuke, S. G. Tilley, and T. Whitford. 2000. Allozyme analysis of dusky salamanders (Desmognathus) in northeastern Pennsylvania. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 73: 87-91.
notes and accounts
Phillips, J. G., M. A. Steffen, and R. M. Bonett. 2014. Eurycea tynerensis (Oklahoma Salamander). Terrestrial oviposition. Herpetological Review 45:473-474.
Martin, S. D. and R. M. Bonett. 2013. Distribution Record and Range Extension for the Southern Redbelly Dace, Chrosomus erythrogaster (Actinopterygii: Cypriniformes), from Sequoyah County, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Sciences 93:23-24.
McAllister, C. T., C. R. Bursey, M. A. Steffen, S. D. Martin, A. L. Trujano-Alvarez, and R. M. Bonett. 2011. Sphryanura euryceae (Trematoda: Sphyranuridae) from the Grotto Salamander, Eurycea spelaea and Oklahoma Salamander, Eurycea tynerensis (Caudata: Plethodontidae), in Northeastern Oklahoma, U.S.A. Comparative Parasitology 78: 188-192.
Fenolio, D. B. and R. M. Bonett. 2009. Recent findings about the biology, ecology, and systematics of the grotto salamander, Eurycea spelaea. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Speleology 1:234-237.
Bonett, R. M., R. L. Mueller, and D. B. Wake. 2005. Why should reacquisition of larval stages by desmognathine salamanders surprise us? Herpetological Review 36:112-113.
Bonett, R. M. 2005. The Oklahoma salamander, Eurycea tynerensis. Pp. 767-769. In: Amphibian declines, the conservation and status of United States species. Ed. M. Lannoo. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Bonett, R. M. and P. T. Chippindale. 2005. The dwarf salamander, Eurycea quadridigitata. Pp. 759-760. In: Amphibian declines, the conservation and status of United States species. Ed. M. Lannoo. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Means, D. B. and R. M. Bonett. 2005. The spotted dusky salamander, Desmognathus conanti. Pp. 705-706. In: Amphibian declines, the conservation and status of United States species. Ed. M. Lannoo. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.